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Текст (слова) песни- He`s all I want - Angelmoon

Текст (слова) песни: Angelmoon - He`s all I want

All I want, he`s all i need
You`ve got to take me fly and fly away
Hug me for all eternity
my love I feel for you
I wanna tell you why make my sun shine
brither than a silver screen

All I want
He`s all i want, he`s all i need
(repeat 5x)

All I want is love, but you
You`ve got to know that life can mean that much to me
If I have to live my life without you baby
You`ll have to tell me why
Love is going to die, anyway


Six o`clock in the morning
I open my eyes and think about you
I thought it was like a never ending fairy tail
And I am alone in my bedroom, looking at the celling
thinking about what we have or we done
I was thinking about our life togheter
Thinking about our love
And the only thing I know is
That I`m in love with you
That I`m in love with you

Другие песни Angelmoon :

He`s all I want
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